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All news by: Moore Forensics

The Preferential Procurement Regulations Of 2022

The Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA) has played a significant role in driving economic transformation by addressing historical injustices in South Africa. Initially introduced in 2000, the PPPFA has evolved over the years with the latest amendments to the Preferential Procurement Regulations (PPR) being effective from 16 January 2023.

Tips For Submitting a Responsive Tender

In this article the Moore Forensics Due Diligence team focuses on what we will term the ‘do’s and ‘don’ts any tenderer is to be aware of when completing and submitting a tender/bid. Evidence obtained from having reviewed countless bid submissions points to the fact that tenderers - at times - make avoidable errors at the bid completion stage, with these errors resulting in the tenderer’s bid being considered non-responsive. By being mindful of – and applying the following do’s and don’ts when completing a bid document should provide additional comfort that the time invested when preparing a bid document will at least afford the tenderer an equal competitive opportunity, i.e. the tenderer’s bid will be evaluated by the relevant governance committee. This article therefore serves as a guide and tool for tenderers to not only complete tender documents correctly and fully, but also ensure a responsive tender is submitted.